This weekend, as I was enjoying the fruit of my sons amazing weekend with track, I was struggling to sleep.
Something wasn't right, and I didn't know what. well, at about 11 pm, on Saturday, I realized what was wrong. My childhood friend, a bridesmaid in my wedding, someone whom I had once shared everything with, had lost her brother.
He was too young to die, and something made it hard to know what to say.
I posted on Facebook my expressions of sorrow and love.
But that wasn't enough for me.
I sent a text:
"I know I haven't been a great friend, but I love you, I m sorry, and I am here."
"Thank you" was the response.
My friend who lost her father just over a year ago, and now her brother had the strength to say "thank you"
I felt horrible.
As kids, I had had a crush on her brother, laughed with her about it, and spent many hours with her doing silly and normal teenage things. She was in my wedding, and was always a part of my life. She is always the life of the party. Happy, smiling, and loving. She is beautiful, and strong.
I do not know what to say.
never have.
and I always end up saying something stupid.
so instead, today, I am asking you to help this family.
Amanda is solely responsible, and it is a heavy burden.
Our high school friend Amanda (H) has set up a GO FUND ME page to help the family.
You can find the link here: go fund me
I never know what to say, but I do know life is too short to be cut shorter. I am praying for peace and understanding. I am also asking for support and love.
~ Melendy
Monday, August 3, 2015
we may be addicted, but it is all right!
Our boys had an amazing weekend at the Needham Youth Classic. They ran in events that were familiar to them, and tried new events as well.
Logan is our distance runner. He ran the 3000m race on Friday night and completed it in a PR time of 12:51. He came in Second for his age but took two minutes off of his previous time. he also came in first for the 800m race walk. and second in his age for the 1500m and the 800m.
Caleb ran a PR in the 1500m race with a time of 6:28, and came in second for his age on Friday night. He also decided that being a part of the Heptathlon was something he wanted to do. He competed in 7 events and came in third in his age group! He worked really hard. He even placed in the high jump (8th) with a jump of 3'4". and placed 6th in the shot put with a throw of 21 feet, which is a PR for him, and he has worked hard for that!
Aaron competed as a six year old, and that meant he had a few fewer activities he could compete in, but he did very well. He came in second in the 800m race walk, and placed well in his other events.
I am so proud of the hard work and dedication they put in to this season. They may not have won every event, but they are young, and for their first year or competitive track and field they did amazing! We are so proud!
What a great weekend!
Logan is our distance runner. He ran the 3000m race on Friday night and completed it in a PR time of 12:51. He came in Second for his age but took two minutes off of his previous time. he also came in first for the 800m race walk. and second in his age for the 1500m and the 800m.
Caleb ran a PR in the 1500m race with a time of 6:28, and came in second for his age on Friday night. He also decided that being a part of the Heptathlon was something he wanted to do. He competed in 7 events and came in third in his age group! He worked really hard. He even placed in the high jump (8th) with a jump of 3'4". and placed 6th in the shot put with a throw of 21 feet, which is a PR for him, and he has worked hard for that!
Aaron competed as a six year old, and that meant he had a few fewer activities he could compete in, but he did very well. He came in second in the 800m race walk, and placed well in his other events.
I am so proud of the hard work and dedication they put in to this season. They may not have won every event, but they are young, and for their first year or competitive track and field they did amazing! We are so proud!
Logan with his first place for his age group in the 800m race walk. |
Aaron with his medals form the Friday night races |
Caleb hurdling! he worked so hard for this moment! |
the boys with their medals! |
the boys out for dinner after the race! |
What a great weekend!
Thursday, July 30, 2015
A day at the beach
It has been two years since I spent a day on the beach with my boys.
And for some it meant overcoming fears, but she had help...
I love the beach.
It is my favorite place.
When you are in the ocean, you are in the water that connects every shore. That is so amazing to think about.
My BFF Chelley and I have been talking about a beach day since May! We knew it had to happen this summer, but our schedules have been crazy, and so we made a plan over a week ago to go!
We had food, water, blankets, an umbrella, and sunblock.
2 moms, 7 children, and a mission- have fun!
Well, it was a perfect day.
This little piece of ocean is quiet, very small waves, and not overcrowded.
We parked and got each of the children to help carry something.
And away we went.
We set up blankets, made sure food was in the shade of the umbrella, and headed to the water.
From here it was splashing, swimming, running, and just loving the water.
Some of the kids love swimming,
And for some it meant overcoming fears, but she had help...
And was swimming in no time
We buried people in the sand:
And made a pool on the beach:
We also were all in the water, even the moms!
Addie loves to splash, and that laugh is infectious!
And it must be in the family because Millie loved to splash and laugh too!
So does mom!
Seaweed was overcome,
And brothers were being brothers-
And truly, it was a wonderful day.
We laughed, didn't cry, played, didn't worry, smiled, and just enjoyed being together!
At the start of the day we thought it was a bit intense to have this many kids with two moms, but at the end of the day, you can do whatever you think you can, so we did!
We packed up, and headed out (which included towel shelters for changing into clothing!)
And before we had even started the cars, the tiniest among us was doing the one thing that 6 out of 7 would be doing before we got home, sleeping! A sure sign of a great day!
Enjoy your summer days! We are!
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Why can we not just be humans?
I had an amazing time today with my BFF (do I sound like a teenager?)
We went to the beach with my sons, my nieces, and my friend's children.
Her oldest daughter has Achondroplasia. Not sure what that is? Well you can find that out here: A is For Adelaide
And I have to say, our day was almost ruined, and I didn't realize it.
I spent a large part of today playing photographer. I was grabbing candids and group photos and watching the children (all 7 of them!?!?) move about.
Well at one point my friends daughter Addie was playing in the sand and I didn't notice it at first. She is not my child, so my senses were not tuned in to it.
But then I did.
I noticed it.
I realized that the man of a couple was taking a picture of his woman, but there was no way he was getting his woman in the frame. (BTW I am a trained photographer) he was aiming for Addie.
Because she looks a little different? Because she is shorter than your child?
Because she is amazingly beautiful and even brought her own paparazzi?
Who knows. But I made sure that my face or butt were in every one of their pictures, essentially ruining the chance of them getting a "good shot".
But why did I have to?
Because some people aren't human.
Some people think it is ok to photograph others without their consent for their own pleasure/ amusement.
And some people are just assholes. Period.
So, the next time you go to take a photo of that person who is doing something different/ looks different/has colorful hair/ or is just not like you, imagine how you would fee if you saw pictures of you on the internet because someone wanted to laugh at you.
No matter your intent, someone will get hurt. So think twice, and grow up.
And if you find someone else is doing this, stop them. For them and you, and the person you might hurt.
P.S. You won't find pictures here as I thought that made my point pretty clear.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Like A Fish Out of Water
It started when I was in middle school running track and field.
It hasn't stopped.
I need to take a daily maintenance inhaler every morning.
It costs a decent amount of money every month. However, I am not in the hospital with every illness so it saves me over time.
I ask take a rescue inhaler. Only when needed, but often you will see me fifteen minutes before a run taking a puff to prep my lungs.
I have been working hard lately to better my body. Not just lose weight. Be stronger, run farther, plank longer, strengthen my core, and ultimately put only good things into my body.
And we eat veggies and chicken sausage and drink a gallon of water a day.
We still will order takeout, but it is sushi, avocado and cucumber salad. and burrito bowls with no burrito shell.
We run. He runs more than I do, but we run. Tonight we ran together, and did these crazy strength things in between each quarter mile.
I ran in an obstacle course race on Saturday. And truly walked a lot, but ran harder and further than I had been and I didn't take my inhaler before hand. My running partner had to keep stopping and walking with me. I felt awful that she had to stop for me. This runner who could have done this race in 45 minutes spent an hour and a half on the course because she wasn't leaving me behind.
I don't want to be the anchor.
I don't want to quit.
I want to be better.
I cannot get rid of asthma.
Asthma cannot define me.
So I run every week.
I train every day.
I count my calories,
I spend time being better.
And I have noticed that as I have gone from 225 pounds to 207 pounds, my rescue inhaler is less necessary.
I do not need it during a run.
I need to strengthen my lung for endurance, but running is not causing me asthma attacks, anxiety about having an asthma attack, but not an asthma attack.
And so,
Like a fish out of water,
I am learning to breathe and exercise differently than what I "thought I could do. I am pushing myself out of my comfort box. And I am going.
I apologize to those that feel they need to hold back and stay with me, however, you are helping me in ways you could never realize. The moms from track, my running partner and her super fit self and super fit friends, and my husband. Even though I yell when he tells me how to do something, I am learning that he cares!
Cheers to you in your workout, your life, and whatever is hid g you back! Chuck it in the "f@#£ it bucket" and get going!
Love to you!
How do you better yourself when you hit a wall?
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Summer fun
This summer I am not working at camp. After two summers dedicated to the staff and campers there, I needed a summer off.

A summer to spend with my kids
With my husband,
A summer to make memories
I am making dinners, packing lunches for day trips, sitting by the pool, building projects, and redecorating the house.
I am spending time with my children like I haven't before.
I am able to help my family make a safer and more fun playground for my moms school, my work, but also my heritage.

We still have a lot of work to do, but it is amazing what you can get done in a few days.
I also got to go on an adventure with some friends to the cape:
And swim together with the kids
We are getting to go to the movies, arcades, and the zoo with friends
So, what are you doing this summer? Monday, July 6, 2015
Say what!?!?
So anyone who follows me in Facebook or even Instagram or Twitter knows I have upped my workout/ heathy food posts.
Well, there is a very good reason for that!
This man:
The father of my children.
My husband
The man I married almost 13 years ago,
The man I started dating over 17 years ago.
He is the reason.
2 weeks ago he was officially diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
My husband
The man who runs every day
The man who goes to the gym at 4AM
Every day
This man...
Well. It isn't just fat people who get type 2.
It can be heredity
Life choices
Or just "luck"
He has it.
His numbers are horrible and well, I am his wife
It is up to me to "fix it"
It is my fault...
I should have helped him.
But how
Steve has never had to diet
He has never had to watch what he eats
He has never worried about anything he has eaten...EVER!
Now, he is lost
And I have to help him find the shore
We live in an age of technology.
I list every calorie I eat on an app in my phone, I log every step, every mile, every activity, and every picture/grade.
He has never worried about it.
I weigh WAY too much, he is in target range
I am a couch potato, he hardly eats potatoes, and yet he needs me to save him, to keep him alive, to help him save his vision/limbs.
After years of me relying on him, he NEEDS me.
And I crumbled under the weight of it.
How do I fight his need to eat
How do I?!?! Have any authority when I can't control what I eat and do?!?!?
How can I save him...
Well. I decided to change.
I am making him healthy meals, making myself healthy meals.
Critiquing every thing he eats
Helping him remember to log
Getting angry when he eats too many carbs
Getting sad in Private that he will not eat like he should...that he will die...that I will be alone... But no tin front of him.
He needs me to be strong
And so, you may see
Or this:
Or even this:
B cause if I am going to help him, I have to change me as well. And well, I love him, a lot, and so it is worth it. The fight, the struggle, the sacrifices, all for him, for me, for US, and for our kids...
I fight
So excuse the mess while I am a work in progress, as is Steve.
If you have any tips on how to help him or me adjust, few free to post/comment!
Sunday, June 14, 2015
The end...
This school year was a whirlwind. And we have been so on the move, that writing has taken a back-burner.
Time with family, running races, being together...
The end of the school year was chaotic, entertaining, emotional and a relief.
We had a wonderful experience at BCa, and the fact we are not returning is bittersweet. Seeing empty halls was strange, but I know the Lord has a different path for us.
Caleb was in the spelling bee...
I took my students to Old Sturbridge Village
Steve had a birthday
Aaron graduated kindergarten
Even got a picture of all 6 of my parents grandchildren:
Then we had field day
But a new beginning...I am learning a new job, and the boys are prepping for the Junior Olympics. Steve is running a Spartan Super next week, and I have a half marathon in October I need to be ready for.
Also a new nephew to photograph
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