He is so sweet
He is innocent, and is easily hurt
He loves to hug
He isn't afraid to let me know how much he loves me
He is in love with life
He struggles with big school assignments, just like me, so we work together
He isn't afraid to let the world see him sing and play music, and dance
He is a helper
He cares about others
He tries hard to be fair
He is smarter than he knows
He was my first, and is still teaching me how to be a mom

He is zany
He is silly
He is a mush
He loves hugs
He loves to read
He loves to learn
He is kind
He is understanding of the little ones around him, and helps them
He is a worrier, and always worried about someone else
He wants to learn how to knit, which is a skill I do not have, but he has patience with me
He can be easy going

He thinks everything is amazing
He is growing into a polite young boy
He cares about others
He loves to help
He sees life through his own colored glasses
He is energetic
He is loving
His kisses are sloppy, which is something I never liked in a kiss before
He has taught me to appreciate every day
He adores his brothers
He loves school
He is a leader
These are my boys, and I love them so, even when they make me want to pull my hair out, the fact that I can sit and write out all the things I love about them, makes for a wonderful appreciation of them!
So, what are some wonderful things you love about your children?
Aww...your boys are all loves. In many ways, they remind me of my own!! Enjoy your day with the 4 main men in your life. :)