Friday, April 24, 2015

My hair...Week 16 A4A52week

So this week I am writing about my favorite physical feature. This took a while. I like my eyes, they change color and I have always had lashes, but it isn't them. I like my feet. They are ugly with years of dance and now running, but they can do so much. There was even talk of my breasts, as they have nourished three children and I am always complimented on them, but let's be honest, I can't blog about that! 

So my hair. 
I love that I can go to my friend Heather, once a year, spend a little bit of money, and transform my self esteem. It sounds silly, but your hair can define who you are. 
I have had many hair styles, but I love my current one best.
A walk down hair lane: 
Long a braided for our Thanksgiving Feast at school.

Long a wavy out of the shower...

Short and curled for this special day.

And this day too! (I am in the left)

And at one point a "boxed" red head.

But in reality, I was and am always me. Just with different hair. The nice thing is that no matter what my hair looks like, if I don't like it, I can change it! 

What is your favorite physics feature? And why!?
Join the challenge!
And check out what Chelley is writing about

A week late, but my career, week 15 A4A52weekchallenge

So, I am a week late writing this, but the kids were sick and I honestly forgot! 

My career is hard to write about because I don't have one. 
I am a mom
A wife
A teacher
But I do not have a career.
These things are my life. 
They make me who I am, and teach me day to day.
I do not have a corporation to answer to, a timeline (well teaching does have a timeline), I don't get emails from China at 2 in the morning like my husband does. I don't stress about losing my job because if I lose my job it isn't devastating to the family. 

I think the word career has a connotation that is negative, at least to me. As someone who isn't  on a plan, I don't like when I am asked what my career or occupation is. 
I am a mom
I am a wife
I am a teacher
But none of those things change if they are my career, because they are my life.
Join the fun!
And check in on Chelley at

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The weather week#14 A4A52weekchallenge!

Ok, I think we all know that this winter was ridiculous! We had more snow than we have had in a while, temperatures that were way too cold, and honestly it was just a stay inside winter. 

I got out on the road some, but not as much as I would like to. 

Even our Florida vacation was plagued with almost freezing temperatures and never Florida "hot". 
But now, now the sun is shining, and even when it isn't you still know it is there. I have finally had an opportunity to enjoy a run on the track without having problems breathing, and the boys track season has begun. 

The bad part about this weather is sickness. We are currently experiencing our second visit from a stomach bug this spring, and I hate that the constant change in weather has such an impact on health, but it does. 

So I am glad for the change of season, however, I would like a change in germs. Windows are open, surfaces are clean, and my hands feel chapped from all the hand washing. My running can wait, my boys cannot, and I am doing the best I can to get them healthy so that they can enjoy the weather! 
And today we are outside, because well we can, and they are feeling better! 

Join the fun! 

Friday, April 3, 2015

100 dreams...week13 a4a52weekchallenge

So this week is interesting as writing down my dreams is like opening a part of me...

1. To be a better mom
2. To be a better wife
3. For my sons to be Godly men
4. For my sons to find women who make them happy 
5. To see my husband more
6. To sing, professionally, 
7. To dance ballet again
8. To run a half marathon
9. To run a Disney marathon
10. To travel alone somewhere wonderful
11. To visit Ireland 
12. To visit most of Europe
13. To visit Hawaii
14. To live in the country
15. To live on a farm 
16. To not have a black thumb!
17. To have a home with more than one bathroom
18. To teach my children to be grateful for the home we do have
19. To learn to be grateful for the home we do have 
20. To have no debt
21. To have my photography purchased, even for a few dollars 
22. To use my camera more
23. To scrapbook all of our family adventures
24. To de-clutter our home
25. Travel cross country
26. Play piano again
27. Finish some of the crafts I started
28. Be better about following lists I start
29. Bike ride with the family more
30. Stop being sorry
31. To see my parents be healthy
32. To be available to help my family
33. To learn to say no
34. Get a passport
35. To receive my birthday present from January that still hasn't shipped from the manufacturer yet (no blame on my family) 
36. To have more money
37. To use it properly
38. To have a savings account for each of the boys
39. Adopt a child
40. Adopt another because well, I really do love kids
41. Become fluent in American Sign Language
42. Start an ASL worship experience
43. Find a way to help our church be inviting to all
44. Use my PureBarre gift card and not be addicted (because it is expensive!)
45. Get a gym membership
46. Actually Use it
47. Read all of the books I have
48. Finish reading the books I have started
49. Try to write more
50. Draw more 
51. Earn more money
52. Defeat Super Mario Brothers again (and not have someone delete it)
53. Play with the boys more
54. Not yell
55. Run in the rain
56. Go camping with my family and not be stressed all week
57. Take a cruise (Disney of course)
58. Sing in Disney World
59. Be fit
60. Not have asthma
61. Not have constant joint pain
62. Sit on my new porch and enjoy it
63. Not have so many shoes
64. Be able to let go of things and realize I am not letting go of people
65. Be able to have another child myself
66. Teach my children to appreciate the arts
67. Touch a big animal
68. Help families of children with special needs to see that it is ok to be you
69. Realize that it is ok to be us
70. Help mothers breastfeed, and help those that struggle to be ok with it.
71. Learn to knit 
72. Learn to sew with a needle
73. Fix our chimney
74. Finish our basement
75. Not be cluttered
76. Continue to host holidays in a positive welcoming way
77. To win a large sum of money
78. Use that to help our family
79. Then use it to start a soup kitchen 
80. Hire homeless to staff it
81. Teach them job skills
82. Provide sleep, shelter, and references
83. Be a blessing
84. Let go of control
85. Be at peace
86. Forgive my past
87. Embrace my future
88. See my friends more
89. Not have clothes in baskets in my bedroom!
90. Actually clean up my friend list on Facebook
91. Make technology a tool and not an addiction for my boys
92. Change the way we treat education 
93. To help children who can't read see the word can't as a stumbling block
94. To help my mom grow her school
95. To watch my brother become an awesome father
96. To see my sister succeed at making and selling quilts. Because she could
97. To publish one of my moms children's books she has written and illustrated herself
98. To record my dad reading the Bible
99. To write a book about my Auntie Martha and all of the amazing things she has done musically and in life
100. To be the family others see us as(as long as it is good!)

Wow! Well, if I can do it, so can you!

Join the Challenge! And check out what Chelley is writing over at 