Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spring has sprung!

I can not tell you how happy I am!
There is this ball of fire in the sky, and it has decided to come out and play!
Even though I have been feeling very under the weather, the last few days we have been able to venture outside, clean the garden, take some time sitting, we taught Aaron to ride a bike, experienced Logan on a bike since his last arm break and watched Caleb reunite with his homeschooled friend across the street!

All in all, much joy has been had outside. There was actually arguments from the boys about coming in to sleep, but they slept so well!

I feel like this year is going to be an amazing year. The boys are taking swim lessons, remembering how to ride scooters and bikes, and they are enjoying each other more.

I have found that very often, if I interject, they quarrel. However, if I gently redirect, they find a way to work as a team. Brotherhood is truly amazing, and I feel so blessed to be able to witness it!

I have posted a few photos of them on their bikes, I did not post swim pictures, due to other children in them. Enjoy your day, and your spring!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun day. We are finally enjoying some warm days as well and my kids are loving it.
